Best Registered Agent Services in Idaho

17 Min Read
0 Reviews
Last updated February 17, 2023
Written by Dmytro Kondratiev
Editor, lawyer
Disclosure: We earn a commission from some partner links. Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations.

As soon as you start the process of launching your business in the United States, you will immediately face the need to appoint a registered agent. This is a mandatory procedure, and there is no way to skip it.

Idaho registered agent

Fortunately, there are many contractors on the market who also offer registered agent's assistance among other LLC formation services. But this is both good and bad news. It's hard to make the right choice among so many offerings. But we have created this article to ease the hassle of selecting a contractor. So, we've already done a registered agent search for you. Let's take a quick look at the options for cooperation in the state of Idaho!

Best Registered Agent Service in Idaho

First, let's understand why you need to appoint a registered agent for LLC in Idaho.

While each state's laws and requirements are unique, they are very similar anywhere regarding the procedure for starting a business. In any state, you will need to list the agent's information on the Articles of Organization. So, this will be one of your first steps toward incorporating an entity.

Let's go into more detail about the Idaho Secretary of State's requirements for a registered agent! Fortunately, there aren't many of them. So, under Idaho law (described in Idaho R.A. Act 40-405), your registered agent can be a company or an individual.

  • If it is an individual, s/he has to be of legal age and reside in this state. There are no educational requirements for this person. Literally, the job can be done by your accountant, relative, or yourself;
  • If you choose a contracting company to perform these duties, it has to be registered with the state. So, you can go with a small local company that provides such services within the state. But you can also consider offers from big players in this market.

Large LLC formation services usually have offices in every corner of the country and can provide you with qualified assistance in the state of Idaho as well.

Duties of a Registered Agent in Idaho

What are the duties of your registered agent in Idaho? The whole point of an agent's job is to receive business documents on behalf of your company and deliver important notices to you in a timely manner. As we’ve already mentioned, you can assign one of your company's employees to perform these duties or even do it yourself. However, it is worth noting that such a decision will have several negative consequences for you:

  • In order not to miss an important notice, such a person should always be available during business hours except on state holidays. This means that in case of an emergency, you or your employee will be unable to leave the place of registration and take vacation/sick leave. For example, if you don't respond in time to an important notice of a lawsuit against your company, you may lose in court for that reason alone. And that can happen even to a company that operates as transparently as possible;
  • Also, you or your employee will lose confidentiality because the Secretary of State will publish your data in the public domain. Creditors, disgruntled customers, and court officials can show up on your doorstep at any time. It can also be reputationally damaging;
  • You or an employee may make a mistake and be personally responsible for it;
  • Since the agent's address is in the public domain, you'll have to constantly be busy filtering out spam emails. It's easy to lose important documentation among the junk mail piles.

Benefits of Using Idaho Registered Agent Service Providers

We always advise business people to contact registered agent service providers to avoid the consequences described above.

They can help you with a whole list of troubles. The will:

  • Provide their address in the state;
  • Keep your privacy;
  • Provide timely notification of critical documents receipt;
  • Filter out spam emails;
  • Notify you of deadlines for submitting documents;
  • Give access to important documents online, and more.

Registered Agent in Boise, Idaho

Boise is the most populous city in Idaho and also its capital. Many entrepreneurs decide to start a company here. As we mentioned before, you can choose one of the local companies to partner with and get the services of a Registered Agent in Idaho.

We suggest you consider All Day Idaho Registered Agent. For only $49 per year, they will help your LLC or corporation meet state requirements. You will receive:

  • Registered Agent Consent Form in Idaho;
  • Instant notifications of documents received;
  • Tips and notifications on upcoming deadlines;
  • Spam filtering;
  • Access to an online office where your documents will be stored;
  • Privacy;
  • Easy cancellation of the service;
  • Full scanning of documents received.

Seemingly, $49 is a pretty low price for such an extensive list of services. But local companies have a drawback. If you decide to expand your business and start working in other states, you will have to contact another company additionally. So, you won't be able to get the registered agent service discount that large companies offer for buying their services in bulk for multiple locations.

Registered Agent in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

If you are looking for a local company to get resident agent services in Coeur d'Alene, then be sure to check out Idaho Registered Agent.

They provide the entire range of services you need at a very low price. At the same time, the company's website promises not to charge any additional fees. This makes Idaho Registered Agent's offer really attractive. You get qualified help for $35 a year and can fully concentrate on your business tasks that cannot be delegated.

National Providers

Large companies provide comprehensive assistance with the registration of your business and provision of all related services, including registered agent's assistance. In addition, these companies have offices in every corner of the country and can provide discounts on the purchase of their services in bulk. This will be relevant for companies that are looking to expand their business and make sales in several states besides Idaho.

Northwest Registered Agent

Northwest Registered Agent is our top choice. They have earned credibility and recognition on the market for providing RA services and are one of the most popular companies in the U.S.


Among the strengths of this service, we have to highlight the convenient website and excellent customer support from the specialists of the company. Their website is really user-friendly, and you will find everything you need there. A simple registration process will only take you a few minutes, and you will be able to start working right away.

As for the customer service, it works like a Swiss watch. We personally experienced it when contacting the company's representatives. They gave us quick and competent answers to our questions. This is a huge advantage! When you are doing such a responsible and difficult task as LLC formation, it is always good to have someone ready to give you a helping hand.

Among the other advantages of the service we have noticed:

  • Privacy. Northwest Registered Agent gives you the assurance that your personal information is protected and will never be shared with any third party. You can start an anonymous LLC and not worry that someone will reveal your personality, and your corporate veil may be torn;
  • Scanning of all the documents received. Northwest Registered Agent is hardly the only company that scans absolutely all of your documentation with no limit. You won't miss anything for sure! All the papers will appear in your personal account, and you will have access to them at any time;
  • Mail forwarding. You'll have the option of forwarding certain types of documents. This way, you can receive them physically;
  • Phone service. You also have the advantage of telephone service for two months at no cost.


  • Relatively high cost for statutory agent service in Idaho. Although the agent's assistance cost is mid-market ($125 per year), you can find much cheaper options;
  • Automatic renewal. Some users have complained in their reviews about the inconvenience of auto-renewal. Sometimes, they simply forget to cancel Northwest Registered Agent in time, and funds are charged from their cards;
  • Mail forwarding has a limitation. Northwest Registered Agent only sends government mail. If you want to receive business letters, be ready to pay $15 for each document (only 5 documents per year are available to you free of charge).

What Do Customers Say?

We were able to find a lot of Northwest Registered Agent reviews on the Internet. That's all because this service is very popular with users and has an extensive customer base in every corner of the country. Clients share their experience with this service and often rate it highly. On average, the company's work is graded 4.5 out of 5 on various websites providing independent reviews.


Northwest Registered Agent is a service we can trust. We feel free to recommend it because this company has earned an excellent reputation and has extensive experience in this field. You will surely be satisfied with the work of the service's support team and the ease of getting their help. If your budget isn't tight, then this provider should definitely be on your personal top.

Inclfile Registered Agent

When choosing a registered agent for service of process in Idaho, you should definitely consider Incfile. This is a unique service that offers to create your LLC and further provide resident agent assistance for free as long as you pay the state fee. If you want to get help with the formation documents and get related services, then let's talk more about Incfile.

The first year of cooperation with this company in the case of ordering LLC creation services will not cost you a penny. Then, you will need to pay $119 per year to avoid doing the agent's tasks yourself. This price is not very low, and you can easily find providers that will help you save a lot more in the long run.

Nevertheless, it is a very good deal if your budget is extremely limited at the beginning of your business journey. It is always better to invest in promotion rather than bureaucratic paperwork when your LLC is just starting out.

Also, this company, while experienced and reputable on the market, offers lower prices than its competitor, Northwest Registered Agent.


  • Incfile's extensive experience inspires confidence;
  • Setting up an LLC along with registered agent service in Idaho will only cost you $0 + state fees;
  • Convenient online dashboard where you can keep track of all documents in scanned form and react to notifications of deadlines and changes in laws. Also, you definitely won't miss important emails, as the agent will notify you via email as well.


  • Although a registered agent's assistance will be free during your first year of operation, after that, you will have to pay $119 per year for that. This is not the lowest price on the market for such services. And you can definitely find even better deals if you want.
  • Customer service sometimes fails. As a result, you won't always be able to get a quick answer to your questions from the service specialists. Sometimes, this can be a critical drawback.

What Do Customers Say?

Customers note that working with Incfile is a pleasure because everything works quickly and easily. Even people who have had negative experiences with other companies admit that they have finally found Incfile as a reliable partner for registered agent services Idaho. On Trustpilot, Incfile's average rating is 4.7 out of 5. This is a very high result confirming everything stated above.


If you expect to get premium help for a low cost and never regret your choice, Incfile would be a great option to work with. We wouldn't have included this company in our article if we weren't confident in the quality of tasks performed by the employees of this service. Visit their website to get a better idea of the offers and other useful information.

ZenBusiness Registered Agent

When it comes to choosing a registered agent in Idaho, we can't help but talk about ZenBusiness. They offer many types of services that can come in handy for people starting a business. Among them, of course, is the help of a statutory agent.

The price policy of the service will please novice business people because you do not have to pay a fortune for a single service. The quality of the company's work is also at the highest level. This is often noted by users in their reviews.


  • If you decide to start your own company with ZenBusiness, the resident agent's assistance will cost you $49 (the first year is free). This price is close to the lowest across the country. Few contractors will be able to offer you even cheaper assistance. However, if you don't order LLC foundation services, an agent's help alone will cost you $99, which is almost double the price. Nevertheless, it's still a very good deal;
  • The level of customer service is excellent. We tried to contact ZenBusiness support representatives twice at different times of the day. Both of our attempts were successful, and we were able to get expert and quick help from the company's employees. Moreover, we find it a great advantage to have different options for contacting ZenBusiness specialists: chat, phone, or email. In addition to weekdays, you can also get consultations on Saturdays, which can be very convenient.


It was hard for us to reach a conclusion regarding the negative aspects of ZenBusiness because they do work well. However, we want to note that this is not as experienced a company as all of the aforementioned ones in this article. But we can't say that this fact affects the quality of the work.

What Do Customers Say?

This company does not have such a great variety of Idaho registered agent reviews as some of its competitors. Nevertheless, we have found quite a few positive feedbacks about its work. On Trustpilot, the average ZenBusiness rating is 4.7 out of a possible 5. Employees of the service respond to 99% of all negative comments to improve the customer experience and help solve negative situations where the customer remains dissatisfied with the service. This shows a high level of customer focus.


Don't be intimidated by the fact that ZenBusiness is a young company. The company's employees have a quality approach to providing services. Their prices are affordable, and the customer care is impressive.

Registered Agent Review: General Conclusions

You can perform resident agent tasks yourself or hire a company that takes care of everything. You need to decide if you want to work with a local company or a big market player. Local companies can give you a more personalized approach, while larger services offer a more comprehensive service.

If you want the service you require at a very low cost, you should choose:

  • Local All Day Idaho Registered Agent;
  • Idaho Registered Agent.

But if you plan to expand your business and work in other states as well, you may run into inconveniences.

Northwest Registered Agent is our favorite. The vast experience and excellent customer support have made this company preferred by many. However, if you want to save money, you'll have to consider other options for cooperation.

Incfile (which doesn't charge you at all for the entire first year of cooperation) can help you save a significant amount of money. Also, ZenBusiness is a good and affordable option, although it doesn't boast as many years of experience as some competitors.

Best Registered Agent Review: How Do We Choose

We know that registered agent search in Idaho is a difficult task due to the number of companies providing such services on the market. We have made a comprehensive review of all reputable statutory agent service providers. To choose the best contractors we evaluated them by the following criteria:

  • Ease of use;
  • Protection of customers' personal details;
  • Pricing policy;
  • The quality of customer service;
  • Ability to easily get a refund;
  • Company reputation;
  • User reviews, etc.

As a result, we have rated all services and informed you about the best ones for cooperation in Idaho.

Why You Can Trust Our Choice

Our experts have a lot of experience in starting a business in the USA. We are constantly striving to improve our professionalism and are in contact with lawyers, accountants, and other experts in the field.

We have created a unique system for evaluating services so that the results are as objective as possible. Our experts constantly monitor the market to always provide up-to-date information. So, you can trust our choice because we take the most comprehensive approach.

Best Registered Agent

Choosing a Best Registered Agent is easy. Select your State to get started.

Select your state
  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Сalifornia
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey


In Idaho, you cannot avoid assigning a registered agent for your company. We suggest that you consider the collaboration options described in this article to avoid performing the agent's tasks yourself. Decide what is more important to you: personalization or comprehensiveness. In the first case, choose one of the suggested local companies. And if the second option is preferable to you, consider companies like Northwest Registered Agent, Incfile, or ZenBusiness.